Privacy Statement

Heritage Insurance Solutions Limited (HISL) is committed to protecting your personal data when you use our services and website. This Privacy Statement relates to our use of any personal data you provide.


In order to provide you with the products you require and the most suitable solutions, we are required to collect personal data about you. HISL is committed to safeguarding your personal data.


Whenever you provide such data we are legally obliged to use your data for a lawful purpose and the processing must be fair and trans- parent in line with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).


In the placement of insurance and for the provision of product information, HISL will handle your personal data under contract and does not rely on consent. If we propose to use your personal data for marketing purposes, we will seek your consent and this consent may be withdrawn by you at any time.


What data will HISL collect about me?

By entering your details in the fields requested, you enable HISL to provide you with the services you selected.


HISL uses cookies in respect of its website and our policy in respect of “Cookies and Website Use” is available on the website.


How will HISL use the data they collect about me?

  • To contact you about a submission you have made to the website, including any content you provide
  • To personalise the way we present content to you

When will HISL contact me?

  • In relation to any service you have requested or contracted for
  • Where we need to provide you with information on products in relation to the services you have


  • Where you have opted to receive further correspondence

You may withdraw your consent to receive marketing material and other information from us at any time.

Will HISL share my personal data with anyone else?

As part of arranging a contract of insurance, HISL will provide your information to those insurers, underwriters etc. necessary to obtain terms and ultimately bind the business should you wish to proceed. Once bound, information will pass between that party and HISL to enable the ongoing administration of the contract.


HISL does outsource processing to third parties in order to provide the required service to you. This is done under a written agreement with the processor and HISL remain responsible for the security of your personal data.

HISL, 3 Lloyd’s Avenue, London, EC3N 3DS


We will keep your data confidential except where disclosure is required or permitted by law (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies).

HISL does not sell or otherwise transfer any personal data to commercial companies or other organisations, with the exception of web statistics (please refer to our Cookie and Website Use Policy).

How long will HISL keep my personal data?

We will hold your personal data on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant service.

Can I find out what personal data HISL holds about me?

Yes, under the GDPR you have the right to obtain:

  • confirmation that your data is being processed;
  • the reason for the processing;
  • access to that data; and
  • other supplementary information

A single copy of the data will be provided free of charge.

HISL will require you to verify your identity by requesting as a minimum photographic ID and a utility bill prior to the release of any data. Changes to HISL Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time so you may wish to check it each time you submit personal data to HISL. Contacting HISL

Please note that telephone calls, including mobile communications, may be recorded.

Tel: +44 (0) 203 178 3017

Email: Att : Data Co-ordinator

Heritage Insurance Solutions Limited

3 Lloyds Avenue



© 2024 Agile Risk Partners